We understand the importance of vision wellness for our employees' overall health and well-being. Regular eye exams are key to identifying vision-related issues like cataracts and glaucoma, as well as general health conditions like diabetes and hypertension. Early detection and treatment leads to healthier lives for you and your family.
With Vision Service Plan (VSP), you have the flexibility to choose any vision provider. However, utilizing VSP's contracted providers can help you save on costs.
When you call an in-network provider and schedule an appointment, simply let them know that you're a VSP member. Before the appointment, the provider will contact VSP to confirm eligibility and benefits. When you receive services from an in-network VSP provider, there are no forms to complete.
When seeing a provider outside of the VSP network, members will pay the entire bill at the time of service. To be reimbursed at the allowable amount, submit records and receipts to VSP and a Reimbursement Request/Claim form within six months of the date of service.
VSP does not mail physical ID cards because they are not required for receiving services.
However, you can print an ID card at www.vsp.com under the Benefits and Claims section. Through your member portal, you will also find a summary of your benefits and information on how to manage your VSP benefits..
For general benefit inquiries, contact AskHR@nu.edu.
For questions regarding which benefit plan is best for you, contact